Discussions on - IF - HOW - WHEN - it is time to end a relationship. The book also illustrates how to do it in a mature and respectful manner, cognizant of both parties’ feelings and self-image. An extensive Questionnaire is provided to assist individuals in pinpointing exactly what they like and don’t like about their partner and the way they interact as a couple.
Breaking-Up is a necessary part of the mating ritual. Although ending a relationship is never pleasant, it is possible to do it in a mature and humane way which can lessen the hurt. Broken hearts do mend; what is remembered is how each person was treated in the process.
The Questionnaire covers almost every possible issue people can contend with in a relationship. It may awaken a realization of what is REALLY driving a person berserk. Perhaps it's something small that they just haven't pinpointed yet. Maybe it's fixable -maybe not. Isn't it better to know sooner than later if this issue is something you want to work on and mend before it balloons beyond repair? Fill out the Questionnaire and see how your relationship is doing.